How safe is it to flat iron your hair?

Do you hate those frizzy hair or weirdly textured hair of your that ruins your look every time you get ready for a party or some other function? What is the solution then? Quickly look up on various websites or blogs “How to tackle unruly hair?” And what do you find? Flat iron your hair or use various products.

Well, yes Flat Iron is quickest and easiest method to tame those naughty hair that refuse to stay sleek and tidy. Straightening your hair make your them look sleek and stylish. But you are hesitant if using a flat iron could ruin your hair forever. The fear is genuiene because the temperature in case of flat irons can reach upto 374-392ºF! And sure this much heat is enough to burn your hair and damage them badly. And who wants burnt hair, right? Then what to do? How to deal with the messy , frizzy hair? I will say go ahead with these hot tongs. Yes, you heard me right.

Using flat iron to style your hair is not that dangerous as you think, if few pointers are kept in mind every time you pick up those tongs and use them on your hair. There is a way to style your hair while using a heating tool. Below I have shared few easy things to keep in mind while using a Flat iron to style your locks.

  1. Heat Protection Serums or Sprays: Make sure you are using a good heat protector before you use any heating tool , not necessarily flat iron. I will recommend Tony&Guy Heat Protection Hair Mist. Using a heat protection will prevent the damage to a greater extent. I personally use flat iron almost every day and I haven’t discovered a single split end or discolored hair. Yes, believe me .
  2. Hair Masks: This method is a post prevention method. I mean to say, recover what you lost. A good hair mask will do that job. Make sure you use good hair mask at least twice- thrice in a month. Hair masks repair the damages caused to hair due to styling or any other factor possible. One thing to be noted here is that a hair mask alone is not a solution to the damaged hair. Hair care involves more than that. And if results are amazing then why not invest into a good hair care?
  3.  Hair conditioner: Also a post protective method. Use of good hair conditioning products like hair conditioners, hair serums and hair oils also help to recover the slight damage that happens even after using a protection serum because nothing is perfect after all. But this damage is minor, noting to worry at all. Also keep a track of your diet. Make sure you are eating protein rich food because it is good for your hair.
  4. Deep Conditioning: Before you shampoo your hair make sure you have massaged your hair with good hair oil. Leave it at least for 30 minutes before you wash. This will not only add shine to your hair but will also nourish them from roots. This is like food for your hair. Healthy hair are less vulnerable to the any damage. I will suggest you can use any oil like olive oil, coconut oil, moroccan  oil. Moroccan oil has special properties that help damaged hair a lot.
  5.  Use a good flat iron: Last but not least, use a good brand heating tongs like Philips, Braun and Babyliss. Cheaper ones tend to do more damage.

FINALLY, WILL I SUGGEST USE OF FLAT IRON ON HAIR?  Definitely, yes. There is no harm in using flat iron if you are using heat protection before styling.

If you take preventive measure and invest a little in your hair care then sure nothing can damage your hair. So you go girl and grab those tongs and start styling your hair without any fear.

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